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Sunday, December 18, 2011

As a friends' son left this life by his own hand :(

I thought this had published a month or so ago. but better late than never?

I found this article on Meridian Magazine (online-free) that is so timely that I believe it to be one of "Gods coincidences" as it was written by a mother whose own son left this life in the same way, seven years ago. This article includes some of the treasures from the scriptures and writings of LDS church authorities that have comforted her that the Savior of the World will still be working with her son though he be dead, as God is the God of the living and the dead, as all are alive to Him.

the title is "Glad Tidings of Great Joy" by Darla Isackson
"I was asked to substitute in Relief Society this week and teach the lesson the final judgment. Since my son’s death more than seven years ago, I have had a compelling need to learn more about that subject—especially the possibility of continued preparation in the spirit world. The experience of preparing for this lesson has been so heart-swelling, so sweet, so encouraging, because I reviewed much of what I have learned. Because the message of the Savior’s love and redemptive power is so intertwined with this subject it is an appropriate Christmas message as well.

I immediately knew I wanted to present this lesson in a way that would be comforting and encouraging. Some connect the word judgment with criticism or even condemnation. However, judgment simply means “to hear, to examine all aspects of, to apply the law to, to consider the relative merits of.” And in the case of final judgment, it means the Savior’s decision of what kingdom we not only merit, but are best suited for and would be happiest in. Stan Winchester, who reviewed this article for me said that he felt we could substitute “awards ceremony” for the “final judgment” because we will be receiving gifts of eternal life and kingdoms of glory. Remember, even the telestial and terrestial kingdoms are kingdoms of glory, which we’ve been told will be more glorious than we can comprehend.

The Savior’s Focus is on Saving

I read in the Ensign, “Too often, in well-meaning attempts at encouraging obedience, we stress the punishment that will eventually come to sinners, and we understate the extent of Christ’s mercy. (Todd A. Britsch, Ensign, April 1986, p. 13) This article will focus on Christ’s mercy; when looking forward to judgment we need to remember that: “God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:17) The Lord said, “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).

We also need to remember that the Lord’s judgment will be infinitely more merciful and kind than our own. Joseph Smith said, While one portion of the human race is judging and condemning the other without mercy, the Great Parent of the universe looks upon the whole of the human family with a fatherly care and paternal regard . . . He is a wise Lawgiver, and will judge all men, not according to the narrow, contracted notions of men. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, edited by Joseph Fielding Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah, Deseret Book Co., 1938, 218.)

Preliminary Judgments

The lesson manual mentioned preliminary judgments on earth, when we are interviewed for baptism, for a temple recommend, for advancement in the priesthood, for callings, for example. Other preliminary judgments would be our birth placement. For instance, God judges those he knows will die before the age of accountability already worthy of celestial glory when he places them in those particular bodies. Those with those with mental impairments, such as Down Syndrome are similarly judged and guaranteed celestial glory. There is a preliminary judgment immediately after death when spirits are assigned to various levels of paradise and spirit prison.

Final Judgment (Awards Ceremony)

The final judgment takes place at the very end of the Millennium after all are resurrected (Alma 11:41). So many scriptures refer to that judgment. The Lord judges by:

• Works (Revelation 2:12, D&C 111, 1 Nephi 15:32

• Words & Thoughts (Alma 12:14, Matthew 12:36-37)

• Desires of Our Hearts (D&C 137:9, Alma 4: 3,5)

• Records kept on earth and the book of life (the record kept in heaven (D&C 128:6-8)

• The Record in our own minds and bodies (Romans 2:15)

But here is where my personal story has to come in . . . and why I put up a poster that read:

The Redemptive Power of Jesus in the Final Judgment: Glad Tidings of Great Joy!

A little over seven years ago my son, who had left the Church and become involved with drugs and alcohol, died of suicide. I was plunged into desperate study and prayer in order to find some comfort in regard to his situation on the Other Side.

I have attained a very personal witness that because of the Atonement of Christ, the very records we are judged by can be changed as we repent and are sanctified by the power of the Holy Ghost—here and hereafter. I believe with all my heart that the process of sanctification continues in the Spirit World and throughout the Millennium, clear up to the final judgment.

One reference after another gave me new hope for Brian, such as: Ted R. Callister, of the Seventy said, “The consequences of the Atonement are no less effective prospectively. The redeeming powers of the Savior stretch forward to reach the spirits of the dead just as readily as they stretched back to our premortal life.” (The Infinite Atonement, p. 78)

I had found comfort in the following quote from the Prophet Joseph Smith for all the years Brian was a lost lamb, but after his death, they had new meaning. The italicized words jumped out at me. “Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching out after them and drawing them back to the fold. Either in this life or in the life to come, they will return. They will have to pay their debt to justice; they will suffer for their sins; and may tread a thorny path; but if it leads them at last, like the penitent Prodigal, to a loving and forgiving father's heart and home, the painful experience will not have been in vain.” (Joseph Smith, in Conference Report, Apr. 1929, 10, emphasis added)

Progress after Death Gives Hope to All

The glad tidings of great joy pertains to all of us, because we all need more time than we have in mortality to become perfected. Bruce R. McConkie said, “Salvation does not come all at once . . . It will take us ages to accomplish this end [perfection], for there will be greater progress beyond the grave.” (Doctrines of Salvation, 2:18, emphasis added)

Stan Winchester said in a recent blog, “To be perfect, in the original Greek means to be complete. Who of us will be complete as our Heavenly Father is while we remain mortal? None, not one; yet, the commandment is to be perfect like Him. Accessing the grace of God is the process of becoming complete, it is about opening our hearts to Jesus Christ and trusting Him to lead us in this process.”

Missionary Work in the Spirit World and Temple Work on Earth

One paragraph in the lesson manual (Gospel Principles) states, “Through the work we do in temples, all people who have lived on the earth can have an equal opportunity to receive the fullness of the gospel and the ordinances of salvation so they can inherit a place in the highest degree of celestial glory.” (p. 272)

Billions of people—most of God’s children that have lived on this earth—have not had the opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel or to choose the blessings of temple ordinances while yet alive.

The scripture “few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14) is probably referring to the fact that few during this earth life find the strait and narrow way. Many others, like my son, had some knowledge of the gospel, but wandered off before it could be proven in their lives. We have been given glimpses of the mammoth missionary efforts in behalf of all these people in the spirit world.

After Brian’s death, Section 138 of the Doctrine and Covenants, President Joseph F. Smith’s vision of the redemption of the dead, became one of my favorite chapters to study. I recommend the entire chapter. President Smith said, in part,

“I beheld that the faithful elders of this dispensation, when they depart from mortal life, continue their labors in the preaching of the gospel of repentance and redemption, through the sacrifice of the Only Begotton Son of God, among those who are in darkness and under the bondage of sin in the great world of the spirit of the dead. The dead who repent will be redeemed, through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God. And after they have paid the penalty of their transgressions, and are washed clean, shall receive a reward according to their works, for they are heirs of salvation.” (vs 57-59)

Only the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds out the assurance that every person ever born will have the opportunity to be taught and really understand the gospel and have essential temple ordinances performed for them by proxy. There would be no point to missionary work there and proxy ordinances here if the people in the spirit world did not still have the option of accepting or rejecting, of repenting, of choosing Christ. Their decisions there still count. They have the opportunity to learn, repent, and progress according to their heart’s desires. Stan said, “When I was investigating the Church proxy temple work is one of the gospel truths that really excited me. I knew then that God was loving, fair, and not a respecter of persons based on when or where a person lived.”

“Wait!” many people have said, “What about Alma’s words about not procrastinating the day of our repentance, and about this being the time to prepare to meet God?” In no other area of gospel study is it so important to avoid taking scripture messages out of context. Alma spoke the truth, but we need to look at the whole picture, and to weigh his message carefully according to the whole gospel plan. Alma was speaking to those who had been taught the gospel and were in a position to see and understand the necessity of repentance. And surely, no one who knows and understand should take lightly his counsel. But can we believe for a moment that the Lord would condemn someone who didn’t know and understand in time to fully repent in this life?

My Quest to Learn the Limits of the Second Estate

I began to feel more and more strongly that the second estate continues in the spirit world. That would make so much sense! But “second estate” is usually defined as “life on this earth.” For years, the only documentation I could find was in quotes that indicate that the spirit world IS “on this earth.” But I wanted more. Finally, the month before my book of comfort for those who have lost someone to suicide went to press, a mother who had also lost a son to suicide sent me the following reference:

President Marion G. Romney said, “We have our second estate, which is the mortality we are now experiencing and our sojourn in the spirit world following death.” (“We Are Children of God,” Ensign, September 1984, 3).

She also told me that Elder Neal A. Maxwell, in his book The Promise of Discipleship, had written an entire chapter on the spirit world! I obtained a copy of the book and read and re-read the chapter on the spirit world. I was edified and uplifted by his words that are so full of hope for our departed loved ones! Here’s an important quote:

We tend to overlook the reality that the spirit world and paradise are part, really, of the second estate. The work of the Lord, so far as the second estate is concerned, is completed before the Judgment and the Resurrection . . . He gave us our spirit birth, bringing the first estate to all. He gave the gift to us of mortality, or the second estate, where all might be “added upon” . . . He provides in the spirit world a continuum of mortality's probation, the great opportunity for all. Neal A. Maxwell, The Promise of Discipleship, Deseret Book, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2001, 111. (Recently released in soft cover.)

How could it be any different? God is both merciful and just. What else would make sense?

We are told in the Book of Mormon, “And he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him” (2 Nephi 26:33).

My Personal Witness

I recently re-read my journal entries for the year after Brian died, and was thrilled to note that on two separate occasions I had received a spiritual witness that Brian now knows the gospel truths he resisted here. I love this entry made December 24, 2004, about three months after he died:

I was listening to a tape in The Work and the Glory series. Joseph Smith turns to Lydia and begins talking to her about her recently deceased father—who had been so bitter against Joseph, the Church, and the Book of Mormon. He said he suspected that Josiah McBride’s opinion might be changed by having the Angel Moroni sit down and chat with him about directing Joseph to the gold plates.

I started to cry and the words came to my mind, ”Brian knows now. Brian KNOWS.” I was filled with peace and hope and assurance that he had been taught in perfect clarity, in a way totally acceptable to him, the reality of the Restoration, the plan of salvation, the mission of the Savior, and how the Atonement applies to him. Nothing could comfort me more.

But something did comfort me even more. A few months later, on June 5, 2005, I recorded the moment when the Holy Ghost told me for sure that Brian not only knew of Christ, but had also accepted Him.

Had a special study time with scriptures in the morning and was left with a burning desire to know if Brian is accepting the gospel and feeling what I am feeling, is knowing the truth of God and the redeeming power of Christ. Went into the kitchen to get a drink of water and the Spirit washed over me and I KNEW Brian has chosen Christ, is repenting and making great progress. I can’t begin to express the joy this brings me. There is absolutely nothing I have desired more than to know that Brian has accepted the love and teachings of Jesus.

Nothing surpasses the “knowing” in our hearts that comes from the Holy Ghost. The Savior is a Being of light and truth; truth conveyed by the Spirit brings profound relief from Satan’s lies. Such experiences are part of my personal witness to you.

Quotes from church leaders are wonderful, but the best witness of all is from the Holy Ghost.

As members of the Church we have been given the Gift of the Holy Ghost—the Spirit of Truth. The peace that comes from that witness is the peace the surpasses all understanding.

So many things I may not know until I enter the spirit world myself. But so many things I know for sure right now because the Holy Ghost has borne witness to my soul. I know, for instance, that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that the spirit world is real, and is a place of light and truth where people may progress in major ways.

The concept of the final judgment need not be daunting when we know and understand that the Lord’s love and mercy and help are a constant for us here, as well as hereafter. As we celebrate His birth, may we remember that Jesus truly brought glad tidings of great joy!

Note: Darla has a rich background in writing and editing and has been one of Meridian’s most consistent and most-read columnists since 2002. To learn more about Darla and her books, Trust God No Matter What! and After My Son’s Suicide: An LDS Mother Finds Comfort in Christ and Strength to Go On, visit her website: Also check out Barnes and Noble Nook Books and"

How to have a clean home & happy homemaker.

So you want a clean house, but can't afford a maid? How can you do it yourself?

I will start out with the wee beginnings, as it really helps to start while the baby is in the womb. ;0, but feel free to skip around to find what you want.

Because the VERY biggest factor is how YOU (and your spouse) feel about housework! :)
If you like it, and expect the kids will like it too, and expect that of course they will help clean, you are sure to win helpers! You will also need to prepare adequate consequences to further the cause, good first and sad if that does not work.

Just like it is way easier to get kids to eat the foods you like, and hard to convince them to eat vegetables you don't care for -- same goes with ANYTHING in life. As the role models that you live with and love are the best teachers with “actions speaking louder than words” (or even rewards!) As most people think if you have to pay someone to do something, it must be something that they don't want/like to do themselves.

So the first thing to do in cleaning (or life even) is “Get yourself an Attitude of Gratitude.”

Of course if you had great role models in this, I don't know why you are even reading this, but, if not, you can overcome that challenge too. Maybe this story will help.

One couple hated housework, and their home showed it. They blamed it on the fact that they had little money, but they barely felt any gratitude for the used furniture they acquired. It was actually quite good looking, but it wasn't really what they had dreamed of. They also didn't like their apartment, the color or style of the flooring, the generic drapes, etc. Some other things that didn't help, were that her mother had been an immaculate house cleaner and had picked up after her daughter. Thus to her daughter, it felt natural to leave things out, and a burden undeserved to have to clean up. The husband also hardly noticed when they left things out, as that is how they had both been subconsciously trained. The mess itself seemed the leftover teenage battleground proving they had won the battle with Moms who used to nag about picking up their stuff, but didn't give any other consequences for doing so. They just weren't trained to care to take care of what they had.
Then a huge horrid hurricane happened to the little Island Nation. Many people were killed and almost all the people were plunged into poverty. Both of them had their whole families and all their businesses effected terribly if not wiped out entirely. All most every home was flooded, furniture clothing and everything ruined. There was little money to buy more but even then, the very furniture and food stores in town had their contents destroyed too. Everything damaged if not by the wind and water breaking windows, or trees smashing roofs, then the collapsing buildings. Even after the water finally drained away it left massive foul mud and sludge over everything. Fire finished the rest when the gasoline floating on top of the water was ignited by snapped electric lines etc. Disaster extreme!
Everything with filthy, it seemed that there was no place that was clean or pretty or comfortable, even the few cars were swept up and flooded/crashing into each other and buildings etc. You couldn't even clean you own hands, so when one tried to wipe away tears, they streaked their faces with dirt. The water no longer came out clean from pipes IF there were pipes you could get to, or soap you could find, or a clean towel. Everyone was thirsty and hungry, but thankfully not terribly cold as it was a more tropical country. They had their lives and each other with enough health to work. They had nothing of material wealth but they realized they still had the knowledge in their heads and their relationships with other people. It was amazingly enough to live on when with hope as they had the gospel of Jesus Christ and knew why they were on earth. To learn to be Christlike in challenges.
Now they appreciated what they had lost. Now seeing anything clean and orderly seemed a beautiful, wonderful miracle. It seemed a great teaching blessing in their lives, as they had grew in gratitude for what wonderful blessings they had. So when humanitarian help came, and they were given a plastic bag with soap, hand towels, tooth brushes with paste and combs, they felt loved and appreciated it greatly.
And the water, clean water! To drink and wash your hands and face! Though at first there was not enough to water wash any clothing they managed to salvage, that came much later. Food, also was so important, but more appreciated to eat with clean hands. It was a good thing they didn't have to do much to prepare any food, but it was ready to eat. Everything took time in a battle against dirt & mess.
They learned fast, to first prepare a place as clean as they could, to be an island amidst the mess. Then they worked to grow their island of cleanliness and order. They learned to love clear clean open space s. They learned to love order, specific places to put things for safety and reuse. When they found little things amidst the destruction that were still good, they carefully put them safely away. Treasures!
They were so thankful to have people come to take away garbage that they would rush to gather as much as they could to throw in the trucks. Now it was like heaven to GET to have a clean area to live in. They learned to work unconsciously but constantly in keeping their surroundings clean, as who knew when they would have more time later. They developed a “clean as you go” attitude which won the war against dirty clutter by gratefully replacing it with cleanliness and order. The end.

So, did you notice the principles they learned, and can you think of more?

1. Begin where you stand, and grow/keep an island of cleanliness. (Being grateful for what you have.)
2. Make places to put the things you need/treasure (a place for everything & everything in its place)
3. Make a way to collect/remove the trash that you gather together. (get bags, boxes or waste baskets)

So, now let us go back to the beginning. So if you are just 18, single, in an apartment, you can begin there. Just apply the basic principles above first.

The next principles are “first things first”.

In other words, get what you need, before getting what you just want.
What are the basic needs? Food, shelter, clothing, some meaningful work to do/someone to care for.

If you have a way to earn money, blessed are you, especially if you enjoy the work! Work IS a blessing and being able to do it with the time & energy to do what is required is a further blessing.

Think about time as the blessing it is too. If you have time, energy, knowledge and money, you can do almost anything. So what steals time, energy, knowledge or money from us?

“Stuff”. Some stuff is useful even if it is only a joy to our eyes- it bring joy. Some things are just stuff, and it is a talent to be able to see things for what they are. Are we protecting things that are just stuff that we don't personally need or love? Is it taking our time to clean them, store them, are they taking up room in our lives and in our minds that could be used for things we would use or love? When we remember that we can't take “stuff” with us when we die, but we can take the joy of giving to others things that they need- does that help us to let go of stuff?

Stuff, beyond what we need, that we are only emotionally attached to, but it is in storage, is just getting older, out of date, may mold or mildew, or be damaged or stolen, and it takes up room in our minds too.

Here is another principle; “if something is not convenient to store, it is not convenient to have”. If you live in a 5th wheel RV, probably having a huge Kirby Vac with a box of attachments is not convenient for you. Your amount of carpet to clean is tiny, barely larger than the vacuum. If someone gave you a Kirby as a wedding gift, can you return it or sell it or? If you have no place to store it or any need of it, so it just sits in the center of your living room, then, it is not a blessing, it is a curse!. Sell it or give it away! Do not be a hoarder! This is a challenge to many, especially when aged parents die and you inherit their stuff, which you probably don't need but may feel some attachment to. What will you do?

Unfortunately the longer we keep stuff, the more attached we may become to it, especially if we spent good money on it in the first place and then paid to store it in some storage unit. Declare freedom! Think in ways of plenty, not poverty, but you don't have to throw things away, first try to sell them, or gift them to someone who needs them, or give to a thrift store etc. :)

Trying to keep things that are not convenient to keep, because of sentimental reasons is sad. Maybe you could take a picture of the item, and attach it to a page with write up why it has meaning to you, and then pass it to someone who needs it? That way you don't just lose it, but bless others with it.

OK, now we should just have things that we actually really need, or things that are easy to have that bring us joy (pictures on the wall?). These things should also be easy to care for, clean, or hopefully we can do something to make them so. Put a new finish on it, if it has paint flaking off etc?

You can continually ask yourself about things around you, “is this blessing me or cursing me?”. Ask yourself the question before you buy something or accept something from another too. It saves time.

When our surroundings are functional, then we get more done. Function is first, form (beauty) second. Form follows function. How you arrange your belongings, even clothing in the closet or furniture works the same way. You wouldn't put your couch right against the wall with no way to sit on it except crawling over the back, so why should anything be put where it is harder to use?

Putting things near where they will first be used saves time and energy. Extra toilet paper goes best in the bathroom (if there is storage there- if not can you make a cute wall hanger for a couple of rolls?)
Coats go best by the door you leave the house from. Glasses go in the cabinet next to the sink so you can easily get a drink. (though I like to have personalized mugs hanging by the sink that get reused for water as that saves the most time, energy and money!) Hopefully you get the idea.

Here is something that really worked for me. Lower cabinets in kitchens can be more difficult to use as you often have to get down on hands and knees to see into the back. The high end kitchens these days often have pull out bottoms of the shelves so that is not necessary but I discovered that I could just cut a cardboard box to fit the shelf, and use it like a drawer. I folded the top flaps of the boxes to the inside, and so when moving day came, I already had a box that fit the contents. I also used colorful coordinating print contact paper to cover the end of the box that showed, and used stick on address labels and a felt pen to label the contents of the boxes. I loved it, and one daughter uses the idea even now.

Now you also have levels of storage space. “A” is what you use Almost every day, (the easiest to get to), “B” is maybe By monthly, (or medium hard to get at) and “C” is for Christmas (or things used only once a year etc.) You use this principle to see where to put things in your kitchen, (and the whole house) like pots and pans, etc. If you have a big platter for the Thanksgiving Turkey, don't put in where you have to deal with it to get your breakfast bowl. Right?

Now, I forgot to say, to clean the shelves or storage areas before you put anything there. Also to work to get containers for your things, so they don't get fouled by mice, spiders or dust etc. and they are protected from being smashed too. The plastic bins are very nice as they are water and pest resistant (but not proof so best not to store uncanned food in them), or same size cardboard boxes that you can put inside a plastic bag, that you label with a felt marker pen on all sides & top, with the contents, so you don't have to open it to know what is in it. You can also put a date on it if you want to show when you last used it, so if it goes three years without being used, I doubt you need it! The lower shelves for heavy things and the higher for lighter but also depending on how often you will need them.
So now, let us say that you have mastered the basic principles (can you name them in your own words?

a. Begin where you are, and make your island of clean order grow
b Keep only things you need or love that are convenient to have and use
c. Make safe places for your things where you can easily use them & put them away asap d. Make plenty of convenient places to deposit trash and empty them frequently

These same principles apply to all your stuff, even your clothing, shoes, and the food on your shelves.
Use it, sell it, give it away or lose it! Go through your belonging often so when it comes time to move, you will have way less work to do and you will be able to find what you want in a flash!

Ok, now we are ready for you to be carrying a wee one under your heart (I do not like the term “in your belly or stomach” maybe that is where some got the idea that ogres ate children?) and if you have done all the above, you will be one happy Momma, singing as you breeze through your home.

Oh, I forgot, there is the whole FLY Lady online stuff. (Finally Loving Yourself). Where you make your bed AS you get out of it (saves time- unless you must hit the potty fast!) but at least before you go to breakfast, or get dressed, you make your bed. If you get up at the same time as your dear husband, he can make it with you that saves even more time, or at least pull up your side, and the last one out of bed is to make it. :) This helps you not get back in it, and a bed is so large that the whole room looks cleaner if it is made. :) A made up bed makes it less likely that spiders or bugs could sneak in as the blankets would be too heavy for them to lift if it is made smoothly! (dust ruffles that hit the floor are ladders for insects :(

Next, you get yourself dressed for the day, clear to shoes that tie, like sneakers, as again, it helps you be in the mood and less likely to retire to the couch. Fix your hair, and face etc so Dear Husband sees and kisses his lovely wife before he goes to work. You leave each room clean as you leave it, so wipe the bathroom sink, straighten the towels etc, and you'll have no fear if company drops in and needs it!

Now, (hopefully) if you have left the kitchen clean the night before, and prepared ahead of time what menus for the whole week (month even better) then you know you have the ingredients and don't waste time searching only to find one missing. You fix breakfast and clean as you go, so if you spill egg on the counter or floor, you wipe it up immediately (with the cleaning cloth you keep in the pocket of your darling apron) rather than spread it around the counter, or horrors, smear the carpet through the house.

You both carry your dishes to the sink, rinse them and put them in the dishwasher (if you are so blessed to have one) but wait to run the dishwasher till it is full after dinner. If no dw, then do them by hand, by running hot water and using a dish brush that dispenses soap, immediately rinse, dry and put away. Wa la, the kitchen is clean!

Now the fly lady says to clean different zones each day- and I like that. You can check on line how that works, so I won't go into that here.

So-- where were we, oh, yes you are “with child”, and with the home front so organized and clean it is no big problem, as you are not tripping over unneeded stuff, though you can't see your feet. You have gotten everything ready for the coming baby, including your bag packed for the hospital. You have studied with your husband on natural childbirth and borrowed or purchased and read all the best books like “The Baby Whisper” “The Happiest Baby on the Block” and any others that catch your fancy.

Now lets say the baby has arrived, and you are not sleep deprived as the books helped you to help the baby go to sleep and you know how to help baby to not fully wake when you feed your baby in the night etc. Your Dear Husband or Your Mother or Sister, whomever has come to help out can see how to find what is needed as you take care of yourself and baby and they keep the home clean and laundry done.

Laundry-- I forgot that! The same principles apply here, so if you do not love to iron clothing, do not have any that need to be ironed. Same with dry cleaning, don't buy anything that needs it. Bless others with any clothing that is not working for you, just don't keep it in your closet as it crowds, wrinkles and blocks you for stuff you do love to wear.

Keep some neutral cleaner (Like speed cleanings “red juice”) in a spray bottle in or near your closet so if you see a spot as you inspect your clothing while undressing, you can immediately blot it away. If clothing is not smelly, or dirty, then put it away to use again, as no use wearing it out in the wash, which is also a waste of electricity, soap and water plus your time.

If clothing is dirty, then put it in the appropriate bin of sorted clothing, that is either in your bedroom, or if the laundry room is close, in there. You will need one for whites, medium, & dark colors, and one for towels or heavy longer drying things. You will probably want a rod up above the appliances with empty hangers so you can hang up no iron shirts etc.

If your washer/dryer is not stacked, then you have wonderful space above it, if you pull them slightly forward, to have your Dear Husband make a shelf for you to put square plastic tubs/baskets for the clean clothing to go into. You can label them for what you need, like bed linens, towels, His, Hers, kitchen, and one for baby. :)

As the clothing comes out of the dryer, you place it on top of the dryer and quickly fold it and place it in the appropriate bin, ready to carry to where they go when full. Later your children will have their own bins that they empty when full or on a schedule you set together. If there bins do not get emptied, you can express how sorry you are, but that you will do their laundry WHEN they have room in their bin to put more in. :) You also will not pick up their clothing off the floor, as if they are old enough to take it off their bodies, they are old enough to put it in the dirty clothes hamper.

“Love and Logic” parenting principles will save your sanity in dealing with your children, teaching them responsibility etc. They have books and DVDs, plus movies of how to apply their principles that are how I, myself, want to be treated. Also how I believe Heavenly Father deals with us too, with love, giving us choices and natural consequences.

I hope, expect my next post will be about some of the express systems for chores for kids. :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Family News Letter for 2011

Dear Family & Friends--- here is the annual Ray & Jane Wadsworth Family Newsletter for 2011
When I realized that I was waiting to write till we found out if we get to keep our family home in WA or not, I saw it might not happen in time plus that it didn't matter in eternity anyway. I realized that there are a lot of more important things it would be nice to share. We hope to hear your news too!
We wish we could have had all of you along on the 20+ years “dream come true” when Ray & I took an LDS church history tour of 9 days in a tour bus. It was a marathon of learning & experiencing history where we found in the 70s hall in Nauvoo that our ancestors on 3 lines, way back must have know each other! Cool! The side trip to the Abraham Lincoln area & museum was an added hit! It was a miracle we got on a tour, as all were full, yet we found a private tour with open space just a few days before departure! It didn't include the New York area sites or the Palmyra pageant we hope to do later.
What has made me happiest though are the strides Ray & I have made in our teamwork, as I got to “have my say” to the lawyer working to help us save our homestead from foreclosure. We also worked together to exhibit/promote Rays boat designs for an improvement on his “fat boat” & for a Bristol Bay Seiner plus promote our pin-bone fillet machine at the Seattle Fish Expo. There we talked to a major Marine Magazine Editor who said he was willing to work with us in coverage. Ray wrote two pages, & I wrote another page from the wife’s view while we both helped each other on our individual writing. We hope this will move things forward to boost the AK & US economy & jobs with also provide healthier, longer shelf life, better tasting wild salmon at a reasonable price.
Ray has been doing maintenance/finish work on the F/v Liahona with also making needed improvements on it to lease it for the crab/cod season. It is still for sale, as is the airplane Ray restored, & also most of our assets as we work to downsize & simplify our lives. Ray hopes to build a skiff before fishing season & that our fishing crew can be made up of our family members.
Right now we are living in the little old 5th wheel we bought from our kids & they bought used before that. It is a delight not having so much to clean, though I do miss a bath tub to soak this old grandmother body in. Ray also says he now realizes why old people walk gently, hunched over. Pain!
I am thrilled that many of the things I created & saved when our ward did “Visit to Bethlehem” about 10+ years ago, look to be used again this Saturday! I'm just sorry they were not able to do it more than one night- as so many more people could have been impacted to remember Jesus is the reason for the season. I am also enjoying sharing the gospel online with helping in comments to correct mistakes about LDS doctrine/history. Bringing people closer to our Savior Jesus Christ is such a positive experience for me. I love it! Someday I hope Ray & I get to do a couple mission to where ever!
********** Now our family news-- mostly just what has changed, to keep this on one page.*******
Eric & Tressa just moved to Calif for his work which we pray will be a blessing for them all. Though the move was stressful with tons of trials, which hopefully are blessings in disguise to help them with their kids Gavin, Brinn, Tayla, Kade, Maylee & Alissa growing stronger & helping.
Doug & Heather have Elida & Gene still in Kennewick, WA, & working in Credit Union. Doug now plays banjo & Elida clarinet. Gene loves cub scouts. Heather working on BS in psychology!
Debbie & Rick do online college classes, in ID where Debbie now gets to sub teach & teach exercise classes at the YMCA. Rick continues at Harbor Freight with Ruby, Mason & Rock in school.
Lori & Kevin moved to Boise ID area. Kevin is working as a business appraiser as their family of Ellie, Johnnie, Beth & Ray make their days full of fun, joy & work. They hope to buy a home there.
Richard & McKenna have welcomed little angel baby Aubrielle Rose who joins big brother Liam. We look forward to her Baby Blessing on Christmas Day. Richards latest plans are to become a foot doctor (podiatrist) maybe going to that special training in Northern CA. (we hope!)
Our foster/guardian-ed daughter Rochelle is expecting her second son in January. We really like Tim Neuharth who she has chosen to be the father in their family. May they all be blessed in all!
Life has blessed us in challenges while holding out hope of surviving the trials with the help of God, family & friends. We have good enough health, & in tact minds with an even stronger trust/love of God the Father & his son Jesus Christ His the restored from heaven gospel. God bless us, everyone!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving is coming- will we DO it?

As it looks like we will not be able to join our family for the traditional holiday
(most of our family members are a couple of states away, and we HAD planned to feast with them all in our home there-- but we are in a temporary housing condition, in this older ((but MUCH appreciated!)) 5th wheel, without any tip outs and a table smaller than two TV trays), so then it brings me to thinking about the reasons for the feast.

A Sister at church added an sight- to look at the word piecemeal. "Thanks Giving", to thank God and then GIVE to others. (that could be a whole new post even!).

I was looking at that I'm so SOOO thankful my dear husband is with me, and that we both have enough health, to not need others to help with our daily needs, and that we have enough funds to buy nutritious food in adequate supplies (though the tiny fridge does not hold much) as we try to eliminate from our diet, "food" that is not really food, but choose instead more organic vegetables and fruits with unprocessed foods that we prepare ourselves to preserve the most nutrition.

I'm blessed that my dear husband likes to cook and watched the same film titled "FoodMatters" that has helped inspire us to eat more carefully. Yes, we still sometimes "indulge" in an ice cream bar, but it is WAY less and the REAL "good stuff" is a greater percentage of our consumption. :)

Family not being available, though I know will be missed WAY more than any specific foods. : /. So we are considering inviting to our tiny 5th wheel, or maybe taking out to eat an Elderly friend who is also without family, and uses a walker. (it would be really hard for him to make it up INTO this "home" on wheels.

So, still thinking about the title of this holiday, and that Gratitude is an Attitude, that brings with it peace and hope, I am working on that. It isn't all that hard, as I daily see and feel my blessings, even many times a day. While the whole "why I am here- purpose of life" is the basis for what goes on, is such a great help.

I just had a wife of a friend of my husbands, ask if she could ask me a personal question. I said sure, and she asked if it was our religion (she knew we are LDS or members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka Mormons) that has helped us get through our financial challenges (our business was forced into bankruptcy which , we fought, and lost, and then lost 89% or more of our assets which also supplied my husbands work, and we may lose our family home though the bank I don't THINK has filed foreclosure on it yet.)

Anyway, I answered that question with "Yes." I explained that knowing we came from our Father in Heaven, and why we were here and where we go after we die helped. that "it is NOT a case of "he who dies with the most toys wins". They were just leaving for another meeting when she asked that question, so I couldn't go into detail. But I gave her a pass a long card, with the name "Gramajane" as the title of my profile to look up on and that she could get her questions answered there, that I had also worked to answer FAQ there too.

It is amazing to me how much difference it makes in life, in being more peaceful and joyful to live, when you know why you are living! I'm so VERY thankful for the restored from Heaven Gospel of Jesus Christ that answers that most important question, and how that answer fits with the rest of the questions I have had. I'm grateful and thankful for prayer, and my experiences with my prayers being answered. I'm thankful for my husband, my children, my grandchildren, and all humanity. I'm appreciative to a HUGE degree for our freedom to choose. I love having "a voice and a choice" in what happens to me, or at least in my reaction to what happens!

We do not have complete control, but we can learn to control our reactions, to be more Christlike, which I work to do. I'm so thankful for repentance, for the chance to try yet again to do better. I love the Lord Jesus Christ, and our Father in Heaven and I want to be a daughter of God, that represents our family well. May God bless me to be so.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Please use English to write comments! thanks!!!

I would greatly appreciate it if comments made to my blog were ONLY in English, as I sure can't read Chinese!

I was also told by a friend that some of the comments in Chinese were rude. :(

I do not know what to do? Should I just delete ALL that are not in English, as I can't moderate them???

I plan to ask my Chinese friend to tell me which ones I should delete, but she works and does not have much time. : /

Any other suggestions? Thanks.

A parable I wrote a few days ago.

Parable of the Pathway

There was a man, we will call James, who was smarter and kinder than any other man
He organized an area in a side dimension of the world
into a kingdom with many mansions
He only, held the key to entrance , but he invited
all who would obey him to come join him when they left this dimension.
He hand wrote directions written into a book
so that if the people would follow his directions,
they would be able to access the dimensional kingdom
and go to dwell there as long as they passed the extensive timed test
to see if they were willing to be responsible citizens
and at least repent and keep trying if/when they failed.

James had his followers form groups, with his name, so they could
help each other, and share the teachings better. He appointed leaders
to make sure that the teachings didn't get corrupted or changed, yet
he told them, he knew it would eventually happen, but try their best.

This James had a brother who was insanely jealous of him
We will call him Sleaze and he was also very intelligent but not wise or kind
Sleaze didn't care to build things himself, but just wanted to ruin all of James
and anything James cared about, Sleaze wanted and set to to destroy.
Sleaze, as soon as he saw what James had done with the dimension and groups,
Immediately set about to discredit James, and denounce his work
and also to cause others to persecute the people who loved James and followed him.

Sleaze published distorted pictures that were supposed to be of the mansions
He told lies about James and his kingdom and gathered others who had
refused to EVER repent of the evil they did, and so were denied the kingdom
These others then lied about what they had done, pretending the kingdom was false
They were so sly that they ACTED kind, and said it was out of love that they spoke up
They said they had been hurt and didn't want others deceived, and they wanted to save
those who still believed in James and his steps to inherit the “false” kingdom.

James had created several specific steps by which
it could usually be told if any who wanted to inherit were sincere
These were to be administered by people specifically appointed by James
In specific ways. Of course Sleaze immediately set to denounce the steps
and also as a double trip up, set up sham steps, or and a triple trip up Sleaze
said NO steps were necessary at all, but that as James was so loving, that ALL would inherit
If they just spoke magic words of acceptance of James. Sleaze said“Nothing else was required”
People who were good were deceived, others didn't really like to study, or just wanted an easy way
and so ailed to discover the deception, especially as Sleaze made his sham groups great fun!
Some good people were only fooled for awhile, but often these discovered the lies and
soon continued to search till they found the real FURTHER access steps and contacted James agents.

Sleaze also caused the Publishers of James book to restrict the printing of it because of greed,
Only allowing it in obscure languages and only allowing hand copies
Which as naturally done by hand by humans, errors began to creep in.
Some wise and good people tried to repair the errors, but failed
As they didn't have direct communication with James for the fixes
so the very “fixes” often made the errors worse. These were hard times.
Sleaze also caused some who worked to translate the book to be
banned and burned along with their translations, but James had good
waiting for those who did good!

Still for many of those who WANTED to find the kingdom
there was enough info in the corrupted books, that with diligent study they
found they could communicate with James and receive authorized fixes
and so they went on to find the true agents and get their test steps done
and to those James gave the passwords and keys to the kingdom, Happy are they!

Sleaze was livid and worked harder to destroy the truth about James
and the kingdom, though he had nothing better to offer.
Sleaze caused fear that James was trying to get power over the people
and would enslave them in his world, and that he would wash their brains
and many other things did Sleaze do to make others as miserable as himself

James was so sorry for what was happening that he authorized a reprint
of his book, and sent it by thousands of authorized agents to all the world
Yet Sleaze ridiculed them and set up sham copy agents and kingdom groups
while Sleaze allowed his followers to charged $ for his books and his kingdoms keys
- which were just fun enough and had enough of James truths in them that they lulled
the people in Sleaze groups to cease seeking further, and even to unknowingly
fight against James and his true agents, not realizing that this is what they were doing. So sad!

James, in his great love and intelligence, had set it up “proxy” from the beginning,
and that there be a waiting foyer, where those who hadn't heard the TRUE facts,
could be taught and have an equal chance to inherit. Yet as they were then out of the
original dimension, they couldn't follow the specific set steps,
So James proxy clause came into effect, where those followers who were still IN the dimension,
could do the steps in the NAMES of those who were passed on,
and then as James – who could read hearts- interviewed each, he said who
could accept the step work done for them, by they own hearts as their witnesses.

James then watched and waited to help any who sought him, yet some had
been so prejudiced by the subtle lies Sleaze told which included just parts of the truth,
that they still fought against the true agents. They were good people at heart
and the true group members worked to not be hurt at not being believed
while the true agents continued to teach any who were willing to listen and study
the truths that James and provided. The path is specific, and special and worth it!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The "price" of a clean, organized home?

I've been thinking about this-- as I have frustratingly noticed that lately my home is not as clean as I'd like to to be. OK, to be more honest, I would usually be embarrassed to have anyone drop by and have to use the bathroom!

I don't usually leave things out, but in the last year or so, I don't seem to MAKE time to do the real cleaning of surfaces or keep up things at a level of clean that I would personally enjoy more myself!

Often there are a few dirty dishes and maybe even a pan in my kitchen sink (I'm still not used not having to do big family meal dishes, so just a few things dirty feels almost a waste of hot water : / )

Yes, I thankfully still have the great habit of making our bed each morning (and it makes a HUGE difference as right now we are living in this older 5th wheel, where ALL can see the bed from the other end of the RV, and THAT would be a large part of the % of the total looking a mess! )

Maybe I could blame it partially on that I am a little past due to get a stronger prescription on my eye glasses, so I don't usually SEE the dirt, or that my eye glasses themselves are not as clean as I'd like either so all things often seem a little fuzzy too. (yeah, lame! though true. )

I could blame it on that I ** don't ** have any kids home to help with the work? I love it that "those who walk on the floors, help with the chores"! But it is just Ray and I and he works out of the home so it is ME, and me alone, responsible. :(
--- now He wants to use this computer, so I'll continue later, with the wonderful ideas that worked when we had kids. (I miss my own kids, and even kids in general, as I am so transient at present that i don't have a regular Primary class to teach.

by the way, I do still believe that "an immaculate home is the sign of a wasted life"
but I want to have my home a little more celestial, anyway! talk to you later! :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My 63rd birthday was yesterday- A NEW year!

So, here I am, awake since about 3;30, and I have checked facebook, and my email, and still I am not sleepy. My Dear Husband is working on our fishing boat, F/v Liahona, in AK, and I miss him SOOOO much.
--- I am blessed to have family in this big old house though for a month and a half of their career transition time, our daughter Lori, her sweet husband and four children, ages, 6, just barely 5, next going on 4 and the youngest is 18 months. They give me joy and more purpose to my life.
--- So yesterday my daughter and her husband spent most of the day helping my brother paint walls and ceiling in his Bed and Breakfast, and they had the little ones there, as I had not been able to sleep the night before, and so was no use.
``` When they got home, I was feeling better, and THEY were super tired. I was able to step up and help then, when the youngest needed his diaper changed and was crying as his little sit down was burned from the runs, and my daughter and her hubby were feeling totally fatigued. I got him in the tub and let the warm water run down him, though the tears were still running down his face, I'm sure it felt better than if we had used the cold baby wipes to wipe the poo off. Poor baby!
--- I felt so happy to be helping and needed. The little sweethearts come to me too when they need help, and let me cuddle them and listen to them.
---- I have learned some about Attention Deficit Disorder with Anxiety-- and it has been suggested that I have had that challenge to deal with (learn from by conquering it?) AND that there are new medications that could help me. I have felt that most of the time in m life, it has been like trying to move through knee deep molasses, as it is often so hard to just GET moving, and to keep going, while it seems others just practically dance along and do things with a breeze.
--- It was hard for me in school, where I did ALL of my homework and school work religiously (for a member of my faith- that means MY BEST!) but still I never could make the honor roll. I felt I must be below normal in intelligence-- but now with this info-- maybe it was my body being "wired" a little inaccurately, and so it couldn't utilize the amino acids etc in the way it should have been able to, that help with restful sleep, energy, ability to focus and understand easily that most people can do.
--- I am hopeful that WHEN I can find a good doctor, and as long as we have enough money to not go into the red to pay the Dr. bills (no health insurance- as we usually don't get sick and just haven't been able to afford it!) that I will be getting some help! YEA!!!
--- What an amazing thing it would be to have more energy and not fight depression, but even not stress over trying to make a meal come out the right temp. and all on the table at the same time. (one coping skill has been for me to make "one dish" meals - or do things ahead- like the salad etc :) it really saves the stress!
--- Yet my dear husband just does it all at the same time and enjoys it! I have tried to work with him in the kitchen, and I have some, but mostly he can do things so fast and knows just what to do, that I am just in the way!
--- I had hoped that just taking the amino acids as supplements would solve my blocks, but it has not worked so far. It is so encouraging to think something may really help! Sharaterra (I think that is how to spell it?) is a fairly new medicine, I understand is not addicting, nor something that makes you "high" or mind altering, and does not really do anything unless your body NEEDS it, and has VERY few side effects (liver monitoring is necessary) but still is expensive. :(
-- It looks like it may cost at least $100 dollars for a months supply of the lowest level of the medication :(.
Well, "if it is right to do, there will be a way to do it!" is what my mothers mother used to say, and I believe that. :)

------- So I understand that there are things that are so stressful that especially if you have to deal with several in your life, they can cause depression,

and if you ALSO have some chemical/physical reasons that your body(mind- they ARE connected :) ) does not cope

that it is really REALLY R E A L L Y hard.

So I was thinking about the stresses in my life over the last few years. Here is a list of SOME of what has been happening in my life.

1. Business bankruptcy and lost 95% of our life's assets
2. Moved from town we had lived in for over 25 years- to two states away into 5th wheel, for seven months then "bought" with mortgage, a very needy fixer upper, and worked to make it work while living in it.
3. Death of mother in law
4 Suicide of father in law
5 death of my own mother
6. More business reversals, some relief with Social Security and Gods blessings! (thank goodness for food storage!)
7. Back and forth temp. moves between the two states to take care of the above
8. Invested time & inheritance from father in law & our IRAs etc in building a boat
9. Couldn't get boat mortgage which used to be easy but not under Obama :(
10 Cannery defaulted on agreements with us, and so we couldn't meet boat debts
11 boat wouldn't sell when finally listed for sale right before next fishing season
10. Husband leaves to fish in AK for six months-
12. properties still haven't sold though listed at banks demands,
13. Unethical lawyer after us
14 lost health insurance

PLUS some of my physical challenges;
a. fibromyalgia (sp?- the whole body aches most all the time, but worse some times!)
b. low thyroid
c. Hypoglycemia
d. depression struggles
e. insomnia

BUT I believe we came to this life to learn from experiences trials suited to what we need to learn (so Maybe I needed to learn a LOT? ;0)

I know that I have come to trust my Father in Heaven MORE, as we struggle through the challenges we have had (having my husband often not even in phone access is hard)

I have been blessed with a great supportive family (our kids and their spouses and my bothers and sisters -- my hubby has none :(
and my Religion is a HUGE help, as is paying tithing, which I think helps us to have what we NEED and even often some of what I want but don't REALLY need. :)

The priesthood, (which is the power of God to bless our lives as in the Bible), has helped with blessings by the laying on of hands on my head and words of inspiration and comfort given to the priesthood holder to bless me in the hardest trials!

We have working vehicles, and food storage, and we live in the country with the most blessings and freedoms and in a state that is safer than many. Our health is quite good and because of our obedience to church teachings, we are not addicted to alcohol, tobacco, caffeine nor any drugs or pornography etc. :)

Our children are all righteous and responsible adults, raising our wonderful grand-kids, and they are often able to give us needed support. :)

I am greatly blessed and life is good. Knowing the purpose of life sure helps!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

what is prevening us from having a house of order?

What could be ANY reasons to not maintain an orderly clean home?

1. We hate feeling forced to do it
2. We like to choose what we do
3. We think it takes too much time
...4. We don't know how to do it faster
5. We like to do other things more
6. We don't believe it's really worth it
--- As it will just get messed up again
7. Cleaning isn't that fun or rewarding
8. We like to feel a little rebelious
9. We feel it is others messes not ours
10. We have so little time for us
11. We don't think it is all that bad
12. We wish someone else would do it
13. We don't really notice messing up
14. Messes don't really bother us much
15. Rich people have maids to clean

True or false?
1. Most rich people have clean houses?
2. Most dirty clutter is in poor homes?
3. It takes intelligence to keep orderly?
4. Things are found fastest in order?
5. More things are broken in disorder?
6. More accidents happen in disorder?
7. Clean orderly homes are healthier?
8. Keeping clean saves time and $ ?
9. Order = better looking clothes ?
10. We want to pay others $ to clean for us more than go on vacations?
11. We like visiting others more when their homes are clean & orderly?
12. More respect is given for order?
13. Disorganization takes more room?
14. God organizes & wants us to?
15. Most rich people clean their own homes themselves?
16. Really rich people have less things?
17. One can never get enough of what you don't need.
18. Clean during beats procrastination?
19. Dried on food takes longer to clean?
20. Fresh spots clean easier than old?
21. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure?
22. A place for everything and everything in it's place works best for finding and using things.
23. Orderliness takes training and works best by loving example.
‎24. Doc & Cov 88:119 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;

- Help to ...gain & keep a house of order -
1. Rewards for order= praise, pay, privileges, things, time, service,
2. Consequences for disorder = fines, sadness, loss of priviles, loss of things, owe service to others, ____?
3. Make a game of cleaning = random inspections with random rewards and consequences? Hidden prizes? Surprize pay? Surprize outings when house in order/sadness & left out if not? Chore spin wheel chart , rotating, choose? Money saved goes for family goal?
4. Make charts recording behavior?
What else ?? Pay MYSELF for cleaning? :)See More
Yesterday at 6:17am · Like

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Epifinay this morning of wether to go to AK or not

It started as I have lately felt so stalled/stuck/unmotivated/undirected as it seemed life was happening TO me, and that I didn't get to choose, but just kept being dragged along willy/nilly.

-- which THAT then caused me depression- helpless- hopeless and so frustrated-- trying to downsize "things" (sell property etc) and get back to basics, learn to be more self reliant, and produce what we need to live on, but things aren't selling etc. Even with having signed real estate papers to sell -- found the co had yet to write them up accurately and get them online, while I was feeling so desperate, I was ready to drop the price already as no offers yet!

So as I escaped into reading, feeling that I didn't want to DO anything of the things on my lists that I "should do" etc as it seemed they were probably just a waste of time, and we would
loose this home anyway- or rental 'guests' would destroy the things I was sharing, and disrupt the organization I created, while I wouldn't be here to re-organize nor had the money to hire others to.

Then of course I felt even WORSE- useless, wasted etc
(sure a good thing I don't drink or do drugs to escape!)

So waking this morning in the wee hours and unable to go back to sleep-- I thought maybe I wasn't asking myself the right questions- for this time?

How could I get the right answers to my problems, if I didn't have the right questions to start with???

So- that started me thinking about what was 'clutter' and what was really essential (with SOME few things for joy too ;)

I have come to this conclusion-- to ask these questions-- like even if it is something in my house, ( a lamp, a tool, a piece of furniture, a costume etc)

-------------------------------- the questions-- ---- in several forms ;0

Is this _____ helping or hindering me?
Does it make me happy- (not just fun- but celestial joy type happy)
Is it bringing me closer to God, or getting in the way?
Will this help my (and others) eternal progress or waste my time?

Isn't a "time waster" the ultimate cheat of life? Isn't "time" all we really have- that we can't regain or add to once it is gone?

Soooo- what is my work, my PURPOSE in life?
-- isn't it to do that good which is before me?
If Gods' work is to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" -- then isn't mine to support that?
How is that done?
Isn't that what Jesus told his apostles to do?
Preach the gospel to all the world
(bring everyone to know Jesus Christ and get to choose to follow him or not?)
-- Soooo then how does that involve me?
My dear husband isn't ready (finances hang up) to go on a couple mission yet. He feels we need to fish commercially to get out of debt.
Still I can be a member missionary- a cyber missionary
---- A N D ---- what about the people who have died without knowing the Lord, or having the essential ordinance of baptism?
--- I promised my Father as he was dying that I would work to get his ancestors names, so we could get their baptisms done (baptism for the dead that only the reestablished gospel of Jesus Christ does) and their temple work done (marriages sealed and children sealed to them for time and all eternity).

NOW THIS feels like important work I can help with!

If I go on our commercial fishing boat to AK with my dear husband as he wants me to, what will my work be there? I'm a 62 year old grandmother- and just not up to hauling fish on board etc!

Yet, IF we have the internet, I can do family history and missionary work! :) I can stay connected with our kids too and even SKYPE!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Most important is what you LEARN, not what you earn

Still struggling with the finances here,
our year plus investment in commercial fishing boat now up for sale but no offers yet
( I'm feeling like the sharks are circling the raft-- but we are ok "today".

and I need to remember that we came here to learn and grow through trials
-- but I never wanted to be a giantess! ;)
I don't care for playing basketball--
(doing which I cracked the only bone in my body which has been damaged-- so far)

so, we do still have some more assets we could put up for sale, though my husband is totally against offering the home we are living in, while I would rather live in our old 5th wheel, and KNOW we were out of debt

When we try to open doors and they all seem locked,
we just must keep going down the hall way and trying the next door knob
but we can also check the windows- for opening and for inspiration from Gods sky. :)

"Some days are diamonds, some days are stone" from a John Denver song

I wish I had an infant to rock, which would comfort us both, as babies make the corners of my mouth turn up, even on days (months- years?) of trials.

I'm thankful for homeopathic remedies-- I just took a constitutional strength of Pulsitilla (sp?) which has helped so much in the past.

My sweetheart husband is three states away, working from dawn past dark, on fixing up the boat for a better chance to sell it though he REALLY wants to fish it again this summer. He got the trim paint on the wheel house and it looks great! (wish I knew how to get pictures on here).

He is a great guy, and I'm so lucky he wanted to marry me. :) Definitely my most happy thought but then it is harder when he is so far from me. Yet, I must remember that we are sealed as husband and wife for time and all eternity :). Earth life is just a blink of the eye in eternity they say.

(some days the earth seems to have a lazy eyelid!)

Still there are so many others that are in WAAAAAAYYYYY worse situations than me!
I have family who love me, I have the re-established gospel of Jesus Christ, which is so wonderful to know why I am here on earth, where I came from and where we go after death. ----

I do want to go to the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. Isn't it grand to know there are no limits to the number of mansions there? The only limits I know of are wither we will seek the path and stay on it, enduring to the end.

Sometimes one can feel like "enough already" though or "When will you make an end?"

This must be one of the lessons I am supposed to learn- patience and of course the BIG one that helps with that is TRUST in God. Yep, I'm being st reached there.

"Only one life,
Twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.
'To me to live IS Christ' "

The above is a wall plaque that was left on the wall in a home we bought years and years ago. I have it right above this computer-- and it does help. :)

I am also thankful for George MacDonald books-- which help inspire me to be a better person, and have more faith. :) They are even great plots too! I like the unedited versions.

May we all be blessed to feel our Saviors love, and know his Fathers hand is working for our best good in even the trials of our lives, (especially in the trials!)
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Purpose of all our lives?

To let us learn by experience to act as we really are, spiritual beings having an earthly experience. Yet there are good, better and best plus evil levils of being.
Evil -- steals from others
good-- provides for them selves
better-- gives some of theirs to others
best- shares with those who can't provide while
teaching others to provide for themselves and to continue this pattern.

Trials In life are our tests in learning to get better and better till we become best-
as much like Christ as we can.

Marriage is the ultimate test, where two are to become one-- treating each other with great respect and counseling together
not either insisting on their own way, but talking things over, looking at all the possible choices till they both feel good
about what they are to do. .
Not in anger -- listening kindly, sharing the speaking floor , working to see what the other sees. Neither should just give up to bullying for the sake of peace as if either one loses then the couple looses.
Spending wether of money or time is the very hardest test.
My sweetheart and I continue to work on this.

Working to get set up to better serve Jesus Christ

I am an Online Missionary

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

trying to make my blog better for any readers ; /

I'm trying to add some gadgets, but I am such a novice that it is a huge challenge!
please bare with me as I struggle along. :) Blessings!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the last 1/2 of the article- :)

# If it is really a need you can buy it then without guilt. Sit down as a family and set some self reliance goals. Children know children whose dad's have lost jobs, they see and hear about natural disasters. You are not protecting them when you fail to discuss challenges with them. They have attended Sacrament meetings and heard talks about self reliance. Include them

To actually write down a goal is a huge step toward attaining a goal

Begin with your goals for the year in several areas of self reliance: temporal, spiritual, educational, financial, and physical.

Once the family has agreed on the goals set shorter term goals, such as what you want to accomplish in 3 months. Now you are ready for shorter term goals, two weeks to one month.

* Create a plan you can follow, which all the family members have contributed to and can support.

* Plan to have at least one Family Home Evening each month devoted to one of your self reliance goals. Be sure to evaluate your progress at these meetings and if necessary, adjust your goals.

* Get extended family and friends on your team. Let them know this is important to your peace of mind and that you need and appreciate their support. Inform them that you have a list of items the family has decided to purchase, make or obtain during the next year and you would love to send them a copy of your list so they can consider the items as gifts or adopt some of your ideas for themselves.

Tell your friends and family that while you would love to take a trip with them this summer, you have decided to use your vacation money toward your goal. Tell them you have created a fund for specific, expensive items, such as a wheat grinder, tread mill, or emergency power generator, and tell them contributions toward these items would be as well appreciated as any other birthday gift. Remind them that "sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven".²

* Don't Panic! Remember no matter how bad the news gets the Lord is in charge and as Elder Ballard said: "Therefore, today we must be careful to not overreact, nor should we be caught up in extreme preparations; but what we must do is keep the commandments of God and
never lose hope!"

Families who are recommitted to self reliance in uncertain times, will have peace of mind, as well as the essentials they require for health, happiness, and prosperity in a troubled world.


¹M. Russell Ballard, “The Joy of Hope Fulfilled,” Ensign, Nov 1992

² William W. Phelps "Praise to the Man"

Join her each Tuesday night on the Preparedness Radio Network at 9:00pm Eastern, 6:00 pm Pacific and download past episodes at: Anyone traveling the roadways should be sure to include a copy of Carolyn's latest book Totally Ready for the Road in their glove box or auto kit. Finally, don't forget to get updates through her facebook page: Totally Ready.

here is the article that I told you about! blessings!

Wednesday, January 19 2011
For All These Things Must Come to Pass
By Carolyn Nicolaysen Notify me when this author publishesComment on Article
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Living in difficult times requires each of us to maintain a positive, hopeful perspective about the future.

"Today, more than in the past, I am asked about the signs of the times and if I think the end of the world is near. My answer is the same one Jesus gave two thousand years ago: “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” (Mark 13:32–33.)

When Jesus was asked about the sign of His coming, he said, “Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

“All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matt. 24:6–8 )

Although the prophecies tell us that these things are to take place, more and more people are expressing great alarm at what appears to be an acceleration of worldwide calamity. As members of the Church, we must not forget the Savior’s admonition, “Be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass.” These are difficult times, when the forces of nature seem to be unleashing a flood of “famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”......

Elder M. Russell Ballard continues: "My message to you today, my brothers and sisters, is simply this: the Lord is in control. He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis. His purposes will be fulfilled, and someday we will understand the eternal reasons for all of these events. Therefore, today we must be careful to not overreact, nor should we be caught up in extreme preparations; but what we must do is keep the commandments of God and never lose hope! "¹

This instruction was given in 1992. Today we are troubled by even greater concerns. This week Realty Trac reported that 2.9 million foreclosure notices were filed during 2010 and 1.2 million homes were repossessed, up 200,000 from 2009. Five million homeowners are behind on their mortgages by 2 or more months. Home prices have declined 29% from their highs. During the depression of 1929-1933 home prices dropped only 25%. Experts now believe prices will continue to fall for another three years.

Food commodity prices are soaring. Please remember that food prices and the price of essentials such as clothing are based on a world economy, not a national one. Food prices world wide are soaring and food supplies are decreasing.

Floods in Australia have devastated an area the size of Texas and New Mexico combined, or in other terms, as big as both France and Germany. There are 11,000 homes underwater. Even the media is referring to this flood as "of Biblical proportions".

Oil is used in everything. According to the U.S. Department of transportation nearly 35 gallons of every 42-gallon barrel of crude oil is used for transportation fuel. The rest goes into the consumer products we use on a daily basis. What, you ask? Guitar strings, pantyhose, golf bags, backpacks, dentures, candles, hair coloring, aspirin, footballs, basketballs and soccer balls, food preservatives, shampoo, makeup, bedding, paint, bandages, dishes, flooring, even heart valves.

Oil prices are at $92.00 a barrel today. The all time high was $147.00 a barrel. Experts tell us if prices rise to that level again, and they are going up each day, we can expect consumer goods to go up by 60%. One year ago the price of oil was $74.00 per barrel.

We need to remember the counsel of Elder Ballard. "He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis."

Our Heavenly Father has given us instruction - but notice that President Ballard adds the words "if followed" to his reassuring counsel. We must remember the Lord has established conditions on many of his promises. Paul warns: "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

Are we following the counsel to become self reliant? As times continue to worsen, are we ready to care for the needs of our families?

The following are a few things to help you on your path:

* Include Heavenly Father in the plan. As you are prayerful, opportunities and answers will present themselves to assure your success. "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them. (1 Nephi 3:7)

* Increase your efforts to obtain a three month supply of the foods you eat and a years supply of basic foods for survival. The price of food is going up every month. Once you have a three month supply you never have to purchase foods again except when they are on sale, always saving you money. Food storage will see you through the winter months until you can plant a garden and produce your own food. Food prices went up 9% in 2010. If you were spending $500.00 per month on food in January of 2010 you would now be spending $545.00 per month for the same food or an additional $540.00 per year. For $540.00 you could purchase a three week supply of all the foods you normally eat for four people. Make food storage a priority now, before prices increase further.

* Maintain a healthy lifestyle. The cost of medical care has also risen dramatically the past year. It is wise to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to avoid medical expenses. Do not forget good dental habits. Many illnesses and medical expenses are a result of poor dental hygiene.

* Stop accumulating debt, live within your means. Cut up or take your credit cards out of your wallet and leave them at home. Create a budget and live within it. If you have trouble with this, then take cash out the bank each payday, place it in an envelope, and when it is gone there is no more money for the month. This may take a little practice but if you have your food storage you will be able to enjoy great food while you learn a new habit.

* Stay current on your payments. A small late fee here and there may not seem like much, but over the course of the year by avoiding a late fee of $15.00 a month you could add another weeks worth of food to your "General Store" shelves. Not sure what a General Store is?

* Slow down. Do not make a purchase until you have really evaluated your need. Ask yourself, is this a need or a want? Is this purchase needed right now or can it wait until it goes on sale? Remember everything goes on sale. Wait three days before making a purchase. If it is really a need you can buy it then without guilt.
* Sit down as a family and set some self reliance goals. Children know children whose dad's have lost jobs, they see and hear about natural disasters. You are not protecting them when you fail to discuss challenges with them. They have attended Sacrament meetings and heard talks about self reliance. Include them

To actually write down a goal is a huge step toward attaining a goal

Begin with your goals for the year in several areas of self reliance: temporal, spiritual, educational, financial, and physical.

Once the family has agreed on the goals set shorter term goals, such as what you want to accomplish in 3 months. Now you are ready for shorter term goals, two weeks to one month.

* Create a plan you can follow, which all the family members have contributed to and can support.

* Plan to have at least one Family Home Evening each month devoted to one of your self reliance goals. Be sure to evaluate your progress at these meetings and if necessary, adjust your goals.

* Get extended family and friends on your team. Let them know this is important to your peace of mind and that you need and appreciate their support. Inform them that you have a list of items the family has decided to purchase, make or obtain during the next year and you would love to send them a copy of your list so they can consider the items as gifts or adopt some of your ideas for themselves.

Tell your friends and family that while you would love to take a trip with them this summer, you have decided to use your vacation money toward your goal. Tell them you have created a fund for specific, expensive items, such as a wheat grinder, tread mill, or emergency power generator, and tell them contributions toward these items would be as well appreciated as any other birthday gift. Remind them that "sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven".²

* Don't Panic! Remember no matter how bad the news gets the Lord is in charge and as Elder Ballard said: "Therefore, today we must be careful to not overreact, nor should we be caught up in extreme preparations; but what we must do is keep the commandments of God and never lose hope!"

Families who are recommitted to self reliance in uncertain times, will have peace of mind, as well as the essentials they require for health, happiness, and prosperity in a troubled world.


¹M. Russell Ballard, “The Joy of Hope Fulfilled,” Ensign, Nov 1992

² William W. Phelps "Praise to the Man"

Join her each Tuesday night on the Preparedness Radio Network at 9:00pm Eastern, 6:00 pm Pacific and download past episodes at: Anyone traveling the roadways should be sure to include a copy of Carolyn's latest book Totally Ready for the Road in their glove box or auto kit. Finally, don't forget to get updates through her facebook page: Totally Ready.

Living in difficult times requires each of us to maintain a positive, hopeful perspective about the future.

"Today, more than in the past, I am asked about the signs of the times and if I think the end of the world is near. My answer is the same one Jesus gave two thousand years ago: “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” (Mark 13:32–33.)

When Jesus was asked about the sign of His coming, he said, “Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

“All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matt. 24:6–8 )

Although the prophecies tell us that these things are to take place, more and more people are expressing great alarm at what appears to be an acceleration of worldwide calamity. As members of the Church, we must not forget the Savior’s admonition, “Be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass.” These are difficult times, when the forces of nature seem to be unleashing a flood of “famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”......

Elder M. Russell Ballard continues: "My message to you today, my brothers and sisters, is simply this: the Lord is in control. He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis. His purposes will be fulfilled, and someday we will understand the eternal reasons for all of these events. Therefore, today we must be careful to not overreact, nor should we be caught up in extreme preparations; but what we must do is keep the commandments of God and never lose hope! "¹

This instruction was given in 1992. Today we are troubled by even greater concerns. This week Realty Trac reported that 2.9 million foreclosure notices were filed during 2010 and 1.2 million homes were repossessed, up 200,000 from 2009. Five million homeowners are behind on their mortgages by 2 or more months. Home prices have declined 29% from their highs. During the depression of 1929-1933 home prices dropped only 25%. Experts now believe prices will continue to fall for another three years.

Food commodity prices are soaring. Please remember that food prices and the price of essentials such as clothing are based on a world economy, not a national one. Food prices world wide are soaring and food supplies are decreasing.

Floods in Australia have devastated an area the size of Texas and New Mexico combined, or in other terms, as big as both France and Germany. There are 11,000 homes underwater. Even the media is referring to this flood as "of Biblical proportions".

Oil is used in everything. According to the U.S. Department of transportation nearly 35 gallons of every 42-gallon barrel of crude oil is used for transportation fuel. The rest goes into the consumer products we use on a daily basis. What, you ask? Guitar strings, pantyhose, golf bags, backpacks, dentures, candles, hair coloring, aspirin, footballs, basketballs and soccer balls, food preservatives, shampoo, makeup, bedding, paint, bandages, dishes, flooring, even heart valves.

Oil prices are at $92.00 a barrel today. The all time high was $147.00 a barrel. Experts tell us if prices rise to that level again, and they are going up each day, we can expect consumer goods to go up by 60%. One year ago the price of oil was $74.00 per barrel.

We need to remember the counsel of Elder Ballard. "He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis."

Our Heavenly Father has given us instruction - but notice that President Ballard adds the words "if followed" to his reassuring counsel. We must remember the Lord has established conditions on many of his promises. Paul warns: "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

Are we following the counsel to become self reliant? As times continue to worsen, are we ready to care for the needs of our families?

The following are a few things to help you on your path:

* Include Heavenly Father in the plan. As you are prayerful, opportunities and answers will present themselves to assure your success. "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them. (1 Nephi 3:7)

* Increase your efforts to obtain a three month supply of the foods you eat and a years supply of basic foods for survival. The price of food is going up every month. Once you have a three month supply you never have to purchase foods again except when they are on sale, always saving you money. Food storage will see you through the winter months until you can plant a garden and produce your own food. Food prices went up 9% in 2010. If you were spending $500.00 per month on food in January of 2010 you would now be spending $545.00 per month for the same food or an additional $540.00 per year. For $540.00 you could purchase a three week supply of all the foods you normally eat for four people. Make food storage a priority now, before prices increase further.

* Maintain a healthy lifestyle. The cost of medical care has also risen dramatically the past year. It is wise to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to avoid medical expenses. Do not forget good dental habits. Many illnesses and medical expenses are a result of poor dental hygiene.

* Stop accumulating debt, live within your means. Cut up or take your credit cards out of your wallet and leave them at home. Create a budget and live within it. If you have trouble with this, then take cash out the bank each payday, place it in an envelope, and when it is gone there is no more money for the month. This may take a little practice but if you have your food storage you will be able to enjoy great food while you learn a new habit.

* Stay current on your payments. A small late fee here and there may not seem like much, but over the course of the year by avoiding a late fee of $15.00 a month you could add another weeks worth of food to your "General Store" shelves. Not sure what a General Store is?

* Slow down. Do not make a purchase until you have really evaluated your need. Ask yourself, is this a need or a want? Is this purchase needed right now or can it wait until it goes on sale? Remember everything goes on sale. Wait three days before making a purchase. If it is really a need you can buy it then without guilt.
* Sit down as a family and set some self reliance goals. Children know children whose dad's have lost jobs, they see and hear about natural disasters. You are not protecting them when you fail to discuss challenges with them. They have attended Sacrament meetings and heard talks about self reliance. Include them

To actually write down a goal is a huge step toward attaining a goal

Begin with your goals for the year in several areas of self reliance: temporal, spiritual, educational, financial, and physical.

Once the family has agreed on the goals set shorter term goals, such as what you want to accomplish in 3 months. Now you are ready for shorter term goals, two weeks to one month.

* Create a plan you can follow, which all the family members have contributed to and can support.

* Plan to have at least one Family Home Evening each month devoted to one of your self reliance goals. Be sure to evaluate your progress at these meetings and if necessary, adjust your goals.

* Get extended family and friends on your team. Let them know this is important to your peace of mind and that you need and appreciate their support. Inform them that you have a list of items the family has decided to purchase, make or obtain during the next year and you would love to send them a copy of your list so they can consider the items as gifts or adopt some of your ideas for themselves.

Tell your friends and family that while you would love to take a trip with them this summer, you have decided to use your vacation money toward your goal. Tell them you have created a fund for specific, expensive items, such as a wheat grinder, tread mill, or emergency power generator, and tell them contributions toward these items would be as well appreciated as any other birthday gift. Remind them that "sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven".²

* Don't Panic! Remember no matter how bad the news gets the Lord is in charge and as Elder Ballard said: "Therefore, today we must be careful to not overreact, nor should we be caught up in extreme preparations; but what we must do is keep the commandments of God and never lose hope!"

Families who are recommitted to self reliance in uncertain times, will have peace of mind, as well as the essentials they require for health, happiness, and prosperity in a troubled world.


¹M. Russell Ballard, “The Joy of Hope Fulfilled,” Ensign, Nov 1992

² William W. Phelps "Praise to the Man"

Join her each Tuesday night on the Preparedness Radio Network at 9:00pm Eastern, 6:00 pm Pacific and download past episodes at: Anyone traveling the roadways should be sure to include a copy of Carolyn's latest book Totally Ready for the Road in their glove box or auto kit. Finally, don't forget to get updates through her facebook page: Totally Ready.
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Living in difficult times requires each of us to maintain a positive, hopeful perspective about the future.

"Today, more than in the past, I am asked about the signs of the times and if I think the end of the world is near. My answer is the same one Jesus gave two thousand years ago: “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” (Mark 13:32–33.)

When Jesus was asked about the sign of His coming, he said, “Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

“All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matt. 24:6–8 )

Although the prophecies tell us that these things are to take place, more and more people are expressing great alarm at what appears to be an acceleration of worldwide calamity. As members of the Church, we must not forget the Savior’s admonition, “Be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass.” These are difficult times, when the forces of nature seem to be unleashing a flood of “famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”......

Elder M. Russell Ballard continues: "My message to you today, my brothers and sisters, is simply this: the Lord is in control. He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis. His purposes will be fulfilled, and someday we will understand the eternal reasons for all of these events. Therefore, today we must be careful to not overreact, nor should we be caught up in extreme preparations; but what we must do is keep the commandments of God and never lose hope! "¹

This instruction was given in 1992. Today we are troubled by even greater concerns. This week Realty Trac reported that 2.9 million foreclosure notices were filed during 2010 and 1.2 million homes were repossessed, up 200,000 from 2009. Five million homeowners are behind on their mortgages by 2 or more months. Home prices have declined 29% from their highs. During the depression of 1929-1933 home prices dropped only 25%. Experts now believe prices will continue to fall for another three years.

Food commodity prices are soaring. Please remember that food prices and the price of essentials such as clothing are based on a world economy, not a national one. Food prices world wide are soaring and food supplies are decreasing.

Floods in Australia have devastated an area the size of Texas and New Mexico combined, or in other terms, as big as both France and Germany. There are 11,000 homes underwater. Even the media is referring to this flood as "of Biblical proportions".

Oil is used in everything. According to the U.S. Department of transportation nearly 35 gallons of every 42-gallon barrel of crude oil is used for transportation fuel. The rest goes into the consumer products we use on a daily basis. What, you ask? Guitar strings, pantyhose, golf bags, backpacks, dentures, candles, hair coloring, aspirin, footballs, basketballs and soccer balls, food preservatives, shampoo, makeup, bedding, paint, bandages, dishes, flooring, even heart valves.

Oil prices are at $92.00 a barrel today. The all time high was $147.00 a barrel. Experts tell us if prices rise to that level again, and they are going up each day, we can expect consumer goods to go up by 60%. One year ago the price of oil was $74.00 per barrel.

We need to remember the counsel of Elder Ballard. "He knows the end from the beginning. He has given us adequate instruction that, if followed, will see us safely through any crisis."

Our Heavenly Father has given us instruction - but notice that President Ballard adds the words "if followed" to his reassuring counsel. We must remember the Lord has established conditions on many of his promises. Paul warns: "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

Are we following the counsel to become self reliant? As times continue to worsen, are we ready to care for the needs of our families?

The following are a few things to help you on your path:

* Include Heavenly Father in the plan. As you are prayerful, opportunities and answers will present themselves to assure your success. "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them. (1 Nephi 3:7)

* Increase your efforts to obtain a three month supply of the foods you eat and a years supply of basic foods for survival. The price of food is going up every month. Once you have a three month supply you never have to purchase foods again except when they are on sale, always saving you money. Food storage will see you through the winter months until you can plant a garden and produce your own food. Food prices went up 9% in 2010. If you were spending $500.00 per month on food in January of 2010 you would now be spending $545.00 per month for the same food or an additional $540.00 per year. For $540.00 you could purchase a three week supply of all the foods you normally eat for four people. Make food storage a priority now, before prices increase further.

* Maintain a healthy lifestyle. The cost of medical care has also risen dramatically the past year.
It is wise to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to avoid medical expenses. Do not forget good dental habits. Many illnesses and medical expenses are a result of poor dental hygiene.

* Stop accumulating debt, live within your means. Cut up or take your credit cards out of your wallet and leave them at home. Create a budget and live within it. If you have trouble with this, then take cash out the bank each payday, place it in an envelope, and when it is gone there is no more money for the month. This may take a little practice but if you have your food storage you will be able to enjoy great food while you learn a new habit.

* Stay current on your payments. A small late fee here and there may not seem like much, but over the course of the year by avoiding a late fee of $15.00 a month you could add another weeks worth of food to your "General Store" shelves. Not sure what a General Store is?

* Slow down. Do not make a purchase until you have really evaluated your need. Ask yourself, is this a need or a want? Is this purchase needed right now or can it wait until it goes on sale? Remember everything goes on sale. Wait three days before making a purchase.
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woops-- guess I didn't get it all- so I will go hopefully to get the rest. ;0