*STILL- those who have LEFT the church and especially who post without RESPECT on here are NOT NOW faithful LDS-
*and so for me, having like a “divorced spouse” their opinions possibly SO bitter/skewed- that just taking their word “at face value” is probably not a good idea,
*especially when I also am still a faithful worthy temple recommend holding LDS member, of 60 years- of full activity- almost constant callings (within a ward- and 2 small ones on the Stake level) then- I believe that what I say should have more weight.
*Also in that FIRST sentence of yours above, AGAIN with is shown a refusal to give due respect to the LDS faith- and IGNORING even correct English to capitalize a proper name, and IGNORNING the RED underlining that the software shows it KNOWS you are supposed to capitalize that word- some on here REFUSE to even show that tiny little amount of respect for LDS. I capitalize Evangelical, why do some refuse the same respect to LDS?
*For an answer with hopefully more weight than just “Gramajane” let me go to a book titled “Bridging the Divide” page 62.
*First this is a quote from one of the authors-. the Rev. Greg Johnson-- as this is a co-authored book by an Evan. & LDS. You might ALSO NOTE how respectful but still straight forward his QUESTION is! And he ALSO used to be LDS, but changed at age 14- so now being “on another team” respectfully and honestly allows those “ON the LDS team” to represent themselves!!!!
*The quote from the book was made from a TOGETHER edited tape of one of their joint presentations where they have a NON SCRIPTED discussion in front of audiences- with audience questions afterwards. – NOW to quote the book and the Rev. speaks first--.
*“ “Bob, many of my fellow Christians have noted how hard it is to figure out what Mormons believe. They say it’s like trying to nail Jell-o to the wall! What do you people believe? How do you decide what is your doctrine and what is not?” “
*(Gramjane again-- Now I will type in the very next words in the book- as Bob was narrating what happened before between them so Bob will express his feelings and then tell what he replied to Rev. Johnson.)
*”It was at this point that I sensed that we were in the midst of a very important conversation, one that was pushing me to the limits and requiring that I do some of the deepest thinking I had done for a long time. His questions were valid. They were in no way mean-spirited. They were not intended to entrap or embarrass me or the Church. He simply was asking for information.”
*”I suggested that he consider the following three ideas;
1. The “doctrine of the Church” today has a rather narrow focus and direction; central and saving doctrines are what we are called upon to emphasize, not tangential or peripheral teachings.
2. Not everything that was ever spoken or written by a Church leader in the past is necessarily a part of the doctrine of the Church today.
3. In determining whether something is a part of the doctrines of the Church, we might ask; Is it found within the four standard works, within the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great price? Is it found within official declarations or proclamations? In the general handbooks or approved curriculum of the Church today? Is it discussed in general conference or other official gatherings by leaders today? “
*”It is worth noting that most anti-Mormonism focuses on statements by Church leaders of the past that deal wit peripheral or non-central issues. No one criticizes us for a belief in God; in the divinity of Jesus Christ or his atoning work; in the literal bodily resurrection of Christ and the eventual resurrection of mankind; in baptism by immersion; in the gift of the Holy Ghost; the sacrament of the Lord’s Super, etc. But we are attacked regularly for statements in our literature on such matters as the following;
- God’s life before he was God;
-how Jesus was conceived;
-teaching about Adam as God;
-details concerning what it means to become like God hereafter;
-why Blacks were denied the priesthood prior to 1978, etc. “
*”While we love the scriptures and thank God regularly for them, we do not worship the scriptures. Nor do we believe in what many in the Christian world call “scriptural inerrancy.” We believe, for example, that one can have sufficient confidence and even reverence for holy writ without believing that every word between Genesis 1:1 and Revelations 22:21 is the word for word dictation of the Almightily or that the Bible now reads as it has always read. In like manner, we can sustain with all our hearts the prophets and apostles without believing that they are perfect or that everything they say or do is exactly what God wants said and done. In the same way that we do not believe in scriptural inerrancy, we do not believe in apostolic or prophetic infallibility. Moses made mistakes, but we love and sustain him and his writings nonetheless. Peter made mistakes, but we still honor him and study his words. Paul made mistakes, but we admire his boldness and dedication and treasure his epistles. James pointed out that Elijah “was a man subject to like passions as we are” (James 5:17), and Joseph Smith taught that ‘a prophet (is) a prophet only when he (is) acting as such.”.
*”So I suppose I’m suggesting this; Surely you and I will encounter theological differences between our faith traditions some difference may appear to be almost insurmountable. That is to say, we will disagree on certain matters, just as you might disagree with another Evangelical who has a differing view from you on the ordination of women or the manner of baptism or the gift of tongues. If we’re going to disagree, however, let’s disagree on the right stuff, on matters that we actually believe and teach today, not just something that was said years ago, but is not really a part of the doctrine of the Church. If you’re going to analyze The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spend your time studying what the Church has become, what it is today, in the 21st century. Does that make sense?”
*”Greg: Do you folks hear what Bob is saying? I think what he has just said is very important, because it can help us to be honest and accurate and forthright in our conversations, in addressing the genuine differences between us. I think it is both important and fair to let Latter-day Saints define themselves and not to obligate them to believe and defend everything that might have been taught in their 180-year history”
End of quote from book “Bridging the Divide”. Back to my response to others post.
<” The current mormon church and its members are distorting it themselves, and have been for quite some time. For decades, they've hired major PR firms to change their image. They deny or dismiss the teachings of their founding fathers that are embarassing to them now. As much as you'd like to deny that, you can't, because it's true.”
*That is your opinion- but I hope that what I quoted will be of help to you and others.
<"It's too bad you see the truth as a "blow" coming next. It knocked the wind out of my sails when it happened to me too. But the truth is the most important thing."
*I think that the “truth” the WHOLE truth, and nothing BUT the truth AND in context is what is important! Hopefully what I have taken so long to type in will help you and others to see that LDS do NOT deny things said- but we DENY that they are the “official doctrine” of the church today. I’m sure that if I went and quoted from some of the Evan. Teachers- you would deny them. What about Obama’s Rev. Wright? Thanks for reading! Gramajane
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