Ray & Jane Wadsworth 2009 Newsletter
--- Life has often seemed like a roller coaster ride to me, with some wonderful high times, & some scary swift descents that seem to just barely avoid disaster at the last moment. Right now though, we’re feeling fairly hopeful, & peaceful while we are very active in adventure, as we’ve begun to do vacation rentals of our castle home. Maybe I’m learning to trust our Heavenly Father more from past experiences adding up?
--- Things are not really very settled, as we shuttle back & forth between ID & WA plus in & out of our old 5th wheel RV here. We move into it when we have rental guests. Hopefully the rentals will bring in enough income to convince a bank we can refinance the castle - saving it from foreclosure in Sept 2011. We are blessed to have Eric & Tressa take over the websites & business side. I do much of the housecleaning, restocking, maintance, & thrift castle décor. I’m still having a lot of fun too, as costumes I’ve made over the years are here for the guests to wear for pictures. Lots of new friends to share our castle with for a royal vacation! The castle really feels like it is Heavenly Fathers’, & that we are just the stewards over it.
--- We look forward to returning to our Oakley, Idaho home & friends, after this summer for which Ray is in FULL work mode for. He is building a steel 58’ x 24’ Limit Seiner, out in the weather (wettest & windiest on record!) in Port Townsend, as the boat won’t fit in his shop or on the road to the water. He computer designed it & had it pre cut by computer. He is welding it together as fast as he can- with plans (& prayers) of finding everything used- engines, etc! Our goal is getting it up to AK in time for the fishing season, & tender job he has lined up. He wants me to go too- what a ride! : / . My going mostly depends on the castle rentals getting set up to work ok without me!
--- We feel so blessed with our youngest - Richard & McKenna in Rexburg, ID are expecting their first baby in February. Eric & Tressa in South Jordan, added sweet baby Maylee to their cherished 4 older children this last year. Doug & Heather are in Pasco, WA doing great with their two darlings. Lori & Kevin continue in Tucson, AZ with their fun four little ones. Debbie & Rick live near us with their darling 3, so we get to enjoy some of our grandkids almost as often as we want though work, & weary bodies hinder us. We even occasionally get to see our “guardianed angel” Rochelle with her little boy and also our former foster son, Markus as they live in the area. Rays’ father, Gene, left this earth life in February of this year in his 93rd year. We are blessed by his work & saving ethic to be able to build the boat & and other things. We miss him, but believe he is reunited with his beloved wife Betty, whom he missed so much.
--- Our prayers are that all of our friends, family & the world will have the wisdom, strength & any needed help to progress in learning & loving as the Messiah has shown us the way. “God bless us everyone” with “Peace on Earth-- Goodwill to men”. hugs-- Ray & Jane
The Loss of Hope
8 years ago
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