Still struggling with the finances here,
our year plus investment in commercial fishing boat now up for sale but no offers yet
( I'm feeling like the sharks are circling the raft-- but we are ok "today".
and I need to remember that we came here to learn and grow through trials
-- but I never wanted to be a giantess! ;)
I don't care for playing basketball--
(doing which I cracked the only bone in my body which has been damaged-- so far)
so, we do still have some more assets we could put up for sale, though my husband is totally against offering the home we are living in, while I would rather live in our old 5th wheel, and KNOW we were out of debt
When we try to open doors and they all seem locked,
we just must keep going down the hall way and trying the next door knob
but we can also check the windows- for opening and for inspiration from Gods sky. :)
"Some days are diamonds, some days are stone" from a John Denver song
I wish I had an infant to rock, which would comfort us both, as babies make the corners of my mouth turn up, even on days (months- years?) of trials.
I'm thankful for homeopathic remedies-- I just took a constitutional strength of Pulsitilla (sp?) which has helped so much in the past.
My sweetheart husband is three states away, working from dawn past dark, on fixing up the boat for a better chance to sell it though he REALLY wants to fish it again this summer. He got the trim paint on the wheel house and it looks great! (wish I knew how to get pictures on here).
He is a great guy, and I'm so lucky he wanted to marry me. :) Definitely my most happy thought but then it is harder when he is so far from me. Yet, I must remember that we are sealed as husband and wife for time and all eternity :). Earth life is just a blink of the eye in eternity they say.
(some days the earth seems to have a lazy eyelid!)
Still there are so many others that are in WAAAAAAYYYYY worse situations than me!
I have family who love me, I have the re-established gospel of Jesus Christ, which is so wonderful to know why I am here on earth, where I came from and where we go after death. ----
I do want to go to the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. Isn't it grand to know there are no limits to the number of mansions there? The only limits I know of are wither we will seek the path and stay on it, enduring to the end.
Sometimes one can feel like "enough already" though or "When will you make an end?"
This must be one of the lessons I am supposed to learn- patience and of course the BIG one that helps with that is TRUST in God. Yep, I'm being st reached there.
"Only one life,
Twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.
'To me to live IS Christ' "
The above is a wall plaque that was left on the wall in a home we bought years and years ago. I have it right above this computer-- and it does help. :)
I am also thankful for George MacDonald books-- which help inspire me to be a better person, and have more faith. :) They are even great plots too! I like the unedited versions.
May we all be blessed to feel our Saviors love, and know his Fathers hand is working for our best good in even the trials of our lives, (especially in the trials!)
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
The Loss of Hope
8 years ago
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