So in my search for my purpose in life-- I'm becoming more aware that other than the MEGA goal of
A. returning to my (our) Father in Heaven, having lived my life as well as I can, with the light (truth and knowledge) available to me.
that there are some goals that my faith has helped me realize are paramount
1. keeping my body, mind and spirit clear and clean from addictions and pollution so I can receive guidance from the Holy Spirit and carry out what challenges I have to face
2. Follow Jesus Christ (study the scriptures, pray, be baptized, receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands of one with the proper priesthood authority, love one another, be responsible, share the gospel with others etc)
3. Gain knowledge, and form friendships till I found the man I wanted to marry,
4. Marry in the temple and build an eternal marriage as a team raise our children in righteousness
5. Serve others as I can along the way, and be a good example of Christ, and the grandmother, wife, mother, sister, neighbor, teacher, friend that Heavenly Father would like me to be to all our brothers and sisters on the earth that I come in contact with.
So it comes down to that there are short term goals/purposes and long ones, and some we don't even know, until they land in our laps. So, we are to do "that which is before us" as we keep our minds and hearts open to what is around us that we feel God would want us to do.
I missed a chance the other day, as I was talking to a man for some tech help, I should have said SOMETHING about the gospel. I think I need to get a short bit that is not pushy but sharing, that I memorize for times like that. I'll work on it!
I'm working with prayer every day to find what I should do that day and sometimes in the moment too. May God bless us all in our quest. Gramajane
The Loss of Hope
8 years ago
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