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Chat with an LDS missionary
Chat with a missionary

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What am I doing here? Where do we go from here?

Well, from my life experiences and studies so far in my 61 years on the earth, my conclusion is that I (and everyone of us human beings, plus even animals and bugs) have a spirit in our bodies. The presence of our spirit is what keeps us alive, and when it leaves are bodies are counted dead by the medical community.

I believe that we humans are spirit children of Our Father in Heaven. I believe that God also created the spirits of the animals and even bugs, but they are not his children. Even the very earth has a spirit too (this from reading the Bible mostly).

I believe that we lived with our other spirit brothers and sisters in heaven before we came here, and that we were a family there, and so there must have been (and still is) though the Bible does not mention it-- a Heavenly Mother. There is even a Bible scripture with this quote "family in heaven". I believe that our spirits return to God when we leave this life.

I believe that what choices we make in this life, will determine how happy we can be in this life and in the life after this. Part of the reason that I believe there is a life after death is because of many experiences of members of my own family and from the Bible, and from Near Death Experiences that I have read in a whole shelf of books. One of my cousins wrote a book about it too. His name is/was Lance Richardson. He is about a 4th cousin and I haven't gotten to a family reunion in over 35 years-- so I don't know if he is still alive. The title of his book is I believe, "The Message". It tells about his dying and what his spirit experienced while it was out of his body, and what happened when he came to life again.

Oh, please note that this is NOT resurrection! Resurrection is when your body is changed by Christs' gift, so that you can never die again. It is restored to its perfect condition (and if you were born with something wrong or missing from your body-- that is perfected too).

I believe that resurrection is a gift from Jesus Christ, who is the second member of the Godhead, and the Savior and Redeemer of the world-- the literal Son of God. I believe that we don't have to "do" anything to receive this gift. I believe however that it is our choices in this life, that will make the difference in what level of happiness or exaltation we will experience after this life.

The Bible speaks of the resurrection as three levels, like the Sun, Moon and Stars-- and also of a 3rd heaven. My church teaches that these are 3 kingdoms-- and that there is also "outer darkness" with no light.

There is so much that I could share with you about this. This knowledge has helped me to live a happy life (sure I have challenges too!) still knowing why I am here, and where I came from, and will go after I die, makes a huge difference.

I believe that this Earth life is like a boarding school for Heavenly Father. He sends us here (yes we were willing and anxious to come too!) to learn and grow and prove to our selves-- what we will choose, and to grow from our choices of our reactions to what happens to us.

I believe that God has from the beginning communicated with the more righteous of us, calling them as prophets-- to help us see what we need to do. That there were inspired people in all the peoples of the world. I believe that Adam and Eve were taught that Jesus would come and to look forward to Him. I believe this is why so many nations have threads of that teaching still left in their legends. Like the basic story of Hercules even.

I believe that God made a covenant with Abraham and his posterity-- that if they would obey his commandments-- that he would guide and help them, that they would keep a record of their history and interaction with God-- and this is our Old Testament.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World, and that he died to save us all and let us live again. The New Testament tells about this, and it is the greatest thing to have ever happened.

Another book of Holy scripture-- from records kept by descendants of Abraham also, through descendants of the Joseph who was sold into Egypt, - is The Book of Mormon which is another testament of Jesus Christ, and tells of his coming to this American Continent.

This book-- which you can have a brand new copy of -- FREE-- hand delivered to you or mailed to your home (you choose) -- or access it free on the web site -- along with our other scriptures (or you could get a free King James Bible-- with all the special study helps in the LDS edition) by going to also.

I believe that the scriptures can help us to find our way in this life. This is also the purpose of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, to help us be better people, and know what God expects of us. It is my prayer that we will all seek for our purpose in life.

I believe we each have a smaller role to play in life also. My personal purpose I believe-- after my MAIN goal of living my life after the pattern of loving others as Christ showed us etc, I believe is to have been the mother of my children, and a supportive wife to my husband, along with developing my own talents and serving others I come in contact with in any appropriate way.

I feel blessed that we were able to be sponsors for 3 groups of Vietnamese refugees. That we also were blessed to be foster parents for 10 years and got to bring 20 foster children into our home. I think of them often and wonder how some I have lost contact with are doing now. I pray for them, to make choices that will bring them happiness. May we all so do. Gramajane

p.s.-- It was interesting to me to google my nick name, Gramajane-- and find that the words of a self proclaimed gay man from a facebook discussion board, were found where he claims that I said terrible things about gays (but he gives no quotes-- as there was nothing to quote-- as I don't call names or do such things) -- I told about the situation on early posts on this blog. I feel sorry for those who are challenged with Same Sex Attraction -- but I believe that it can be overcome-- as I know of some who have done so. There is even a book titled "Born that Way?" about this. I believe that we all have challenges in our lives, and that as we work to overcome them, we will better people, than we would have been if we had never had any challenges.

To me it is rather like a coach who has his team members work on different assignments for their individual bodies, some need to strengthen legs, or arm muscles for throwing, or whatever. While the coach also has all of them do other exercises or activities to help all of them work together. I think life is kind of like that.

To me-- God showed us the pattern of a man and a woman- made for each other, and sealed to each other in holy marriage is the ideal. In this way there is a safe place of commitment so that they could "multiply" and bring other spirits into bodies they helped make. I think any "other lifestyle" is a thwarting of Gods' plan. It will not bring happiness, but I still believe that we are given choices and that is a persons freedom to choose what they do, as long as it does not encroach on the choices of others.

This is where I have concerns with "gay" marriage-- as it changes the very meaning of marriage-- as there is no way that same sex couples can multiply in themselves. To let them adopt or be fertilized in another way-- I feel would be to not make appropriate role models for any children they would raise. Not that all parents or adoptive parents are perfect by any means-- but I feel that at least it starts out with the right coupling. What is the first question asked if someone is expecting? Isn't the question-- is it a boy or a girl?

Anyway-- I think I had better stop now, and try to get some more sleep. It is almost 3:30 am. May God bless us all to seek and do His will in our lives. Gramajane (I'm not taking time to read back over what I wrote-- which I rarely do anyway. I just pray that it is ok, and that any who read will realize I'm not claiming perfection either! ;)-- God isn't finished with me yet!

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